Jabulani (a Zulu word - meaning to celebrate)

Jabulani (a Zulu word - meaning to celebrate)

Sunday 12 May 2013

Live the Word
Mon 13 May (Our Lady of Fatima)
Acts 19:1 -8; Psalm 68; John 16:29-33
In the crucifixion, Jesus knew firsthand all that
human beings are capable of, experiencing the
full intensity of our hatred and brutality. Jesus
understands our suffering and knows our pain.
Acts 1:15-17.20-26; Psalm 113; John 15:9-17
While some paths are better than others, whatever
path we may discern for ourselves in life,
God is with us in all of them. Be joyful that God is
with you wherever you are.
Wed 15 May Liturgy of the day
Acts 20:28-38; Psalm 68; John 17:11-19
Whenever we give generously to help others, we
do something good.We are investing in humanity
and supporting a cause much bigger than ourselves.
And when we give we feel uplifted, too.
Thu16May Liturgy of the day
Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Psalm 16; John 17:20-26
God wants us to be safe and well and whole. We
all yearn to know that God is there for us. And
God is - offering us the kind of comfort and reassurance
we get from those who love us best.
Fril7May Liturgy of the day
Acts 25:13-21; Psalm 103; John 21:15-19
In prayerful reflection, replace Peter in today's
gospel story with yourself. How do you respond
to Jesus'question "do you love me"? What commitment
are you prepared to make to Jesus?
Sat 18 May (St John I, Pope & Martyr)
Acts 28:16-20.30-31; Psalm 11; John 21:20-25
Paul used his prison time for prayer and conversation
about faith and trust in God. His body was
confined by bars or walls but not his spirit. Lord,
wherever we are, help us find hope in tomorrow.
Acts 2:1-11; Psalm 104; John 14:15-16.23-26
The Lord comes in might and power, but also in
subtlety and silence. Am I open to the fire God is
lighting in me? Am I open to the intimacy of a relationship
with God that the Spirit is calling me to?

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