Jabulani (a Zulu word - meaning to celebrate)

Jabulani (a Zulu word - meaning to celebrate)

Friday 3 July 2015

whom shall we believe?

Yep. We've all heard that Leviticus is where the Bible straight-up says that homosexual behavior is an abomination. And yes, it does. It also says that homosexuals should receive the death penalty (!!!). It also says the same thing about eating pork or shellfish, charging interest on loans, and a whole bunch of other restrictions that were a part of the Old Testament Law Code. But for Christians, the Old Testament doesn't (dare I say "shouldn't?") settle any issue because Romans 10:4 says that Christ is the end of the law. Which is probably why most Christians today eat meat, useCREDIT cards, wear makeup, and support equality for women. Because, as Hebrews 8:13 says, the old law is obsolete and aging.